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Cofion cynnes,
Emily, Hywel and Lowri
“Since its inception almost half a century ago, Planet has consistently pushed our boundaries of discourse. It has challenged, provoked and inspired, and always remained true to its own subhead (‘The Welsh Internationalist’) by placing our small country in far wider contexts. In a world where so many are hell-bent on building barriers and narrowing horizons, we need it now more than ever.” - Mike Parker, author.
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Gareth Leaman details the reasons why Wales as a partially devolved polity barely existed in the UK general election campaign. He describes the troubling dilemmas for parties who want to defend Wales against the depredations of a Tory-led British state. What can be learnt for the future?
Zoë Brigley’s anti-violence advocacy and Kristian Evans’s ecological activism are uniquely matched in this transatlantic conversation, inspired by the ancient Japanese writing form zuihitsu. These letters written between July and September 2019 ask what ‘dwelling’ with nature might mean, and how we might live more ethically with the environment and each other.
Martin Johnes reviews The Welsh Extremist by Ned Thomas
Our series of creative responses to Wales’ rail network, Reading Between the Lines, brings new insights into a Wales fragmented by its travel infrastructure. In this issue, Gee Williams takes us from Chester (via Saltney and Rhyl) to Llandudno reflecting on the politics of class and pleasure on the north Wales coast – from the ‘Hungry Thirties’ to the present.
In the lead up to the General Election, poet Patrick Jones gives the case for why independence for Wales is the only way out of our current malaise of austerity, hopelessness and xenophobia, and celebrates the people and historical movements that have inspired his stance.
In 2013, The Dragon Has Two Tongues director Colin Thomas wrote an article for Planet entitled ‘From Blacklist to Oscar Shortlist: Paul Turner, MI5 and the BBC’ on how the career of Hedd Wyn director Paul Turner had been affected by political blacklisting within the BBC, and examined whether blacklisting continues to blight the UK media.