Helle Michelsen reviews
Unfinished Business: Journal of an Embattled European By Geraint Talfan Davies
Parthian, £9.99
This book is a collection of articles written over the last decade or so. Beginning in Auschwitz, it progresses through the ups and downs of the referendum campaign and its aftermath, ending in March 2018 with a critique of Labour’s shilly-shallying on Brexit. It is a well-written, well-documented argument for staying in the EU for economic and cultural reasons. A passionate advocate of the EU as the way forward in spite of its flaws, Geraint Talfan Davies is infuriated by Labour’s insistence that significant social change can be achieved only through leaving rather than by exploiting EU laws and regulations. Equally, he pours scorn on the Conservative Party’s Brexiteers with their outdated view of Britain and the role it should play in the world.
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