Angela Graham
100 Poems to Save the Earth
Edited by Zoë Brigley and Kristian Evans
Gorwelion / Shared Horizons
Edited by Robert Minhinnick
This is How the Change Begins
by Nicola Davies
Seren, £9.99
Why do we buy a book of poetry? Because we expect to find in its pages, through a happy conjunction of sentiment, insight and wordcraft, nothing less than truth and beauty. From writing that addresses catastrophe we seek a particularly high degree of honesty and clear-sightedness. The stakes are too high for anything less.
Sign in to read moreAngela Graham is a writer and poet from Belfast who has had a long career as a film maker in Wales. Her collection of short stories A City Burning (Seren, 2020) was longlisted for the Edge Hill Short Story Prize. She won First Prize for Poetry at the Linen Hall Library Ulster-Scots Writing Competition in November 2021.