Why the Story of Madog Matters for the Anti-Racism Movement

From Planet 246

by Lucy Taylor

Lucy Taylor argues why the myth of Prince Madog, and its obscuring of Indigenous loss, has new resonance in an era when Wales is confronting its complicity in colonialism; but that we need to look even deeper at the complex Welsh experience across the Atlantic as both oppressor and oppressed.

When we think about colonialism in Wales many look to the East, to England and think of Wales as colonised. But when we look to the West and to the Americas, things become more complex. For here, the Welsh are also colonising. This ambiguous position – what we might call the Atlantic position – provides a more nuanced starting point for thinking about Wales in the world.

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About the author

Lucy Taylor is a Senior Lecturer of Latin American Studies in the Department of International Politics Aberystwyth University. She is currently writing a book Global Politics of Welsh Patagonia for University of Wales Press, and works in Spanish, Welsh and English.