Mari Wells reviews
Brenda Chamberlain: Artist and Writer
by Jill Piercy
Gomer, £8.99
I first came across the paintings of Brenda Chamberlain (1912-1971) many years ago at Gregynog, where they glowed darkly in a dimly lit hallway. She seemed to have been forgotten, even left behind, and the limited attention she has gained over the last few decades belies the fact that in her day, she was one of Wales’ most exhibited and published artists and writers. She twice won the Gold Medal for fine art at the National Eisteddfod and had many solo and group exhibitions in London and Wales. Her novels Tide Race and The Water‐castle, and a memoir of her time on the Greek island of Hydra (A Rope of Vines) were published along with two illustrated collections of poetry and her account of setting up the Caseg Press in collaboration with John Petts. The Caseg Broadsheets were – and still are – much admired, popular poetical fliers that combined words and engraved images: one of many dualities that characterised Chamberlain all her life.
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