Peter Stevenson reviews
The Adventures and Vagaries of Twm Shôn Catti, Descriptive of Life in Wales Interspersed with Poems
by T.J. Llewelyn Prichard,
Brecon Beacons Myths & Legends
by Horatio Clare and
The Story of Wales, Histories and Ballads by Myrddin ap Dafydd, translated by Mike Jenkins and Susan Walton
The year 2017 was designated by Visit Wales as Blwyddyn Chwedlau, the Year of Legends, so it was unsurprising to find that publishers across Wales turned to the old folk tales, myths and legendary characters to fill their catalogues. Many of these were simple rewrites of the eternally popular tales collected together to fit marketing plans, but some will be of interest for years to come. The three books here are among the latter: a collection of less well-known tales by a significant author, a very personal folk history of Wales told through stories, and a republication of an important set of tales written almost two hundred years ago.
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