Adventures in AI

Brave new worlds of textual collaboration

From Planet 251

by Catrin Webster

Catrin Webster talks to Marilyn Allen about her artistic engagement with words and digital technology, and how playful experimentation and questioning of human authorship can offer a counterpoint to dystopian perspectives on AI.

There is considerable interest in artificial intelligence at present and the potential impact of emerging digital technologies on all aspects of life. Marilyn Allen is an artist and academic based in Wales who has been exploring possibilities of dialogue between art and digital technology for over ten years. The discussion below is a conversation between myself and Allen, which provides a short insight into her practice, in which humour and play are of significance, together with conceptual poststructuralist approaches. The conversational responses from Allen both perform and discuss what a collaborative practice with digital technology might look like. Her recent work includes the publication Sonnet 100 (2021).

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About the author

Marilyn Allen is an artist and lecturer at Swansea College of Art, University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Catrin Webster is an artist and educator, and currently Programme Director of Fine Art at Camberwell College of Art, University of the Arts London. Catrin will take up the position of Professor of Fine Art and Head of the School of Art, Aberystwyth University in September 2023.