Planet 246

Mary-Ann Constantine
by Nathan Munday

Whaling by Nathan Munday Seren, £9.99

Seren, £9.99

This is rich and strange. It is 1792, and a group of whalers, their families and crew arrive in Milford Haven at the behest of Sir Charles Greville to help develop the port and operate a whaling fleet. They have come from Nantucket, an island of some fifty square miles situated off the coast of Massachusetts. They set about building accommodation, warehouses, and a Quaker meeting house. They are industrious; the port town grows. They fit in.

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About the author

Mary-Ann Constantine is an academic and writer of fiction who lives in west Wales. She works mainly on eighteenth-century travel writing. She was recently part of an Ireland–Wales project about the history and heritage of the port towns of the Irish Sea, which also involved a stranded whale.